Ever wondered what is was? I thought for a pretty long time that I had a round face... guess I was wrong, because with some measurements I found out that it was more oval-shaped. Knowing your face shape is veryyyy important (well I think it should be important), for haircuts, eyebrows, contouring, makeup style and all! So here is a chart and you might recognize your face shape. :) 

1. Heart-Shaped Face
2. Square Face
3. Round Face
4. Diamond-Shaped Face
5. Long Face (I've heard people say Oblong)
6. Oval Face
Now, let's not forget that this is a chart to help you find your face shape... it's slightly exaggerated! Also, some faces can be ''mixed'' like a rectangular face would be a cross between square and long...
Ready To Measure?
If you are still unsure of your face shape, you can take a little bit of measurements (easy measurements, yea!)
1- Place yourself (well your face) in front of a mirror with a measuring tape (or a ruler). If you have bangs, pull them back so you can see the hairline and get exact measures.
2- Measure across your face just above the cheekbones, and write the number down as your cheekbone width (it'll help to avoid all the confusing once you finish measuring everything!)
3- Measure across your jawbone, from your widest point, and then again write the number down.
4- Then, measure across the widest points of your forehead, which can be anywhere from the eyes to the hairline. (and write it down!)
5- Almost done! All that's left is the measurement of the length of your face, and to get that you only have to place the measuring tape at the tip of your chin and pass by the middle of your face straight to your hairline.
So to make this simple :
cheekbone width will be #1
jawbone width will be #2
forehead width will be #3
face length will be #4
Heart-Shaped Face: the measures of your forehead (#3) and cheekbones (#1) should be quite wider than the measure of the your jawbone (#2) and form a sort of ''V'' going down towards the jawline and chin.
Square Face Shape: all the measurements of your face should approximately the same, therefore a square face features and jawbone line are sharper than a round face's.
Round Face Shape: the length of your face (#4) should be about the width of your cheekbones (#1) with a more or less narrow forehead and jawbone.
Diamond-Shaped Face: your face measurements should be close to the oval face shape one's, excepted the proportions of the cheekbones (they are much wider-and so very prominent). Also, your forehead width and jawbone width (#2 and #3) should be about the same.
Long (Oblong) Face Shape: if you have very similar cheekbone, jawbone and forehead width (#1, #2 and #3) but a face length (#4) that is slightly longer than the other measure. Usually a long face is close to a round or square face, the only difference is the length.
Oval Face Shape: your face length (#4) will be around 1 1/2 times the width of the cheekbone or jawbone (#1 or #2). An oval face shape usually comes with balanced and small(ish) features and cheekbones that slightly stand out.
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