Dry Skin Tips!

Tips for dry skin-It's winter!

Low temperature, no humidity, crazy winds... 

1- Warm water-not hot! In the shower, or while washing your hands, keep the water warm (I try my best). Hot water makes your skin's oil soften, which allows water and oil to come out- and so makes your skin dry!

2-Moisturizer works better when your skin is exfoliated

3-That said, try to exfoliate only once or twice a week

4-Try cream moisture cleanser instead of soap (try aveeno skin relief body wash or aveeno daily moisturize body wash, they work super well and it's affordable!!)

5- Don't put bubbles or drying chemicals in your bath!

6-Baby oil will not be effective to moisturize the skin because it only sits on the skin...

7- If you have cracked heels, use thick moisturizer (Vaseline Problem Skin therapy- it's a petroleum jelly but in a creamy version, and it does an amazing job) 

8- As soon as you feel that your skin is dry, Moisture!! You can always bring a little format cream that easily fits in your bag (I have a 30ml Jergens Cream) It's useful and it's worth it!

9- Don't forget to moisture your lips 

10- Drink Water!! Although it doesn't actually moisture the skin, it hydrates your body and makes your skin cells function better! 

Hope it helps ! xo 


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